What is the Christian Imagination? | A Dialogue with Pastor Brandon, Chelsea Carrier, and Dane Bundy
What is the imagination? What is the Christian imagination? How do we cultivate our imaginations? Listen now to a dialogue between Pastor Brandon McCulloch, Chelsea Carrier, and Dane Bundy.
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|00:45| What is the imagination?
-- |06:30| Imagination and preaching
-- |09:45| Imagination and empathy
|14:00| How does Scripture help us understand the imagination?
-- |14:00| The Fall of Eve's imagination
-- |16:30| The first mention of the gospel
|24:30| What is the Christian imagination?
-- |27:00| Imagination and Christian culture
-- |33:25| Is there a Buddhist imagination?
|34:15| How can we cultivate our imaginations?
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Dane Bundy is president of Stage & Story and principal of the secondary school at Providence Academy, a classical Christian school in Johnson City, TN.