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Thank You To Our Supporters for Making The 2017 Conference a Smashing Success!

Dane Bundy

"The Stage & Story Conference is an eye-opening experience.  I was so en- couraged by the expert storytellers and their desire to point others to Christ to the glory of God.  Christians who are engaged in the arts must attend this conference."


                            Greg Sukert, President, Anchored North Ministries

"There is a HUGE need for support, encouragement, and fellowship amongst Christians in the entertainment industry. The Stage and Story conference fills this need. It fills your cup and inspires you to be light and bring hope to an industry that can be discouraging and dark."


                                                                                     Kelsey Guerra, Actress


                                                                                          Chris Guerra, Actor

"I truly enjoyed the Stage & Story Conference. I hope hope that they can con-tinue to impact individuals with the true biblical meaning of creativity."


                                                                      Zac Swan Van Lent, Attendee

"The Stage & Story Conference was fantastic! I learned so much, met new people, and got to be surrounded by some astounding and creative people!"


                                                                                             Bri Heil, Attendee

"The Stage & Story Conference brought Christian theology and the creative imagination to a practical intersection.  Such a gathering reminded me the world hungers for the Christian imagination and encouraged me to continue working as a storyteller."


                               Brandon McCulloch, Campus Pastor, LACS

"I am so inspired by this fresh and vibrant community of bright Christian artists and storytellers! The thoughtful presentations and discussions held at the Stage and Story Conference focused on God as the ultimate artist and storyteller. As a musician and Christian educator, I was blessed by the Christ-centered themes and dialogue. The conference was a call to see with clarity our role in God’s greater story and to take action as artists, proactively creating with truth-filled intention and integrity. Thank you, Stage and Story for putting this conference together! It was a feast for creative minds!"



                                                                            Sara Lehman, Musician

"Stage & Story ignited a spark inside my heart, and I'm extremely excited to see this idea grow, impact, and come to life for Christ's sake."


                                                                              Grace Stocks, Attendee

"Stage & Story is bridging the gap between Christianity and the performing arts by bringing together like minds, like hearts, and many, many ideas. All in pursuit of serving God through the arts."


                                                                                  Kelsey Jimenez, Actress                  

                                   John Jimenez, Adjunct Professor, Biola University

"The Stage and Story Conference was very fun, and the visuals captured my attention, helping me view theater and the Bible in a new and creative way!"


                                                                                   Tori Sturgeon, Attendee

Photos and recordings of the talks available soon!

2017 Conference Speakers

Advisory Board,
Stage & Story
JT Wynn
Stage & Story
Dane Bundy
Chris & Kelsey Guerra:
Worship and Testimony
Dane Bundy: 
"The Image of God in the Drama of God" 
JT Wynn: 
"Film, Story, and the Christian Worldview" 
Greg Sukert:
"Media and Facebook for Mass Evangelism"
Wayne Scott:
"In the Beginning: Tips on Creativity from our Creator"
Q & A Panel 


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Stage & Story

PO Box 92221

Austin, TX 78709


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