We are storytellers, educators, and professionals called to cultivate the Christian Imagination in artists of all ages. We believe story evokes, persuades and moves like no other medium, and that stage and film only enhance its power. We see our generation gravitating toward story as their choice of entertainment and communication. We seek to equip and mentor artists to think and create as imitators and image-bearers of the Original Dramatist-Director.

An Overview of WHY we do WHAT we do and HOW we'll do it...
At Stage & Story, we are proud of our approach to cultivating the Christian imagination through the performing and narrative arts by mentoring for craft and character.
Afterall, "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women"...are so much more than merely players. They are the image-bearers of the living God and commanded to "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ."

Christian Imagination
To Cultivate the Christian Imagination...

Performing Arts
...through the Performing & Narrative Arts...

...by mentoring for craft and character.

Committed to Christ and Story...In that order
Board of Directors

Co-Founder & President
Dane Bundy is an educator, director, and writer with a passion for magnifying Christ through the performing arts. He has founded and directed three youth theatre programs in schools across three states since 2009. Dane has also taught classics and rhetoric in Christian schools, served as a principal at Providence Academy in Johnson City, TN, and now is the Director of Fine Arts at Regents School of Austin. Dane holds a B.A. from Biola in Communications/Dramatic Arts, a M.A. in Humanities from Faulkner University’s Great Books program, and is nearing completion of his Master of Arts in Theological Studies from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Board Member, Theatrical Advisor
Wayne R. Scott is the president and founder of the LifeHouse Theater, Redlands, CA. He is a writer, composer, producer and director who has authored 30 original musicals. He has produced and directed eight musicals at the internationally known Redlands Bowl, including “Disney’s Mary Poppins,” “Annie,” “The Sound of Music,” and “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” for the Redlands Community Music Association. Wayne has won nine Inland Theater League awards for writing, composing, and directing, and two Inland Theater League Awards for acting. Wayne hosts "The Dramatic Difference," a podcast about story, stage, and the Author of creativity. A UC Riverside political science and religious studies double major, Wayne holds a master’s degree in theological studies.
Learn More About Wayne R. Scott

Board Member, Business Advisor
For the past 37 years, Mark has been in the general contracting business specializing in industrial, commercial and office construction. Over the last 19 years, Mark has been a founding partner and co-owner of Pacific Construction Group. In addition, Mark is a partner in RMB Properties, a self-storage development company which has currently developed 3 projects located in Washington, California and Colorado. Mark has been involved with the national marketplace ministry called CBMC (Christian Business Men’s Connection) for the last 30 years in the local area. In 2003, Mark joined the CBMC National Board and is presently serving as Chairman. Mark and Leslie attend Kindred Community Church where Mark co-teaches an Adult Sunday School class. Mark has been happily married to his wife, Leslie, for 37 years.
Board of Advisors

Advisory Board, Film & Story Advisor
Brian Godawa has been a professional writer and filmmaker for over 15 years. His creative versatility was born of a passion for both intellect and imagination, both left-brain and right-brain. The result: Brian is an artisan of word, image, and story that engages heart, mind, and soul. Just think, “Renaissance Man.” As an award-winning screenwriter, his first feature film was To End All Wars, starring Kiefer Sutherland, Mark Strong and Robert Carlyle. But his skills and experience quickly expanded to include writing and directing feature films, documentaries and video promotionals. His popular short film, Cruel Logic, starring Tony Hale and Robert Pierce is popularly used by many Christian apologists. Brian is also an author and international speaker on art, movies, worldviews, and faith. His popular book,
Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment, is used as a textbook in schools around the country. He is a contributing scholarly writer to various journals and professional organizations, and his articles on movies and philosophy have been published around the world. His Chronicles series of novels are his most important contribution by incarnating his worldview and theology in narrative unlike anything you’ve read before.
Brian is available for speaking and consulting. His screenplay consulting services can be found at Godawa.com. His published novels can be found here.

Advisory Board, Scholar-in-Residence
Roger D. Duke is an ordained Baptist minister. He retired early from his teaching role at Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis, TN to form the Duke Consulting Group. He has taught at the college and graduate school levels for over 20 years. Moreover, he continues to teach adjunctively at various institutions as time and opportunity permit. Professor Duke holds graduate degrees from The University of the South’s School of Theology at Sewanee, TN; The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Harding University’s Graduate School of Religion. His major academic and teaching foci have been in the History of Christian Thought (Theology), Classical Rhetoric, and Christian Ethics. He has written or contributed to more than ten volumes with the lastest volume scheduled to be released in 2018. He has also edited over twenty works. He co-founded BorderStone Press, LLC, where he also served as Senior Acquisitions Editor. It is one highlight of his ministry and academic career to have presented academic papers at The Southern Baptist Seminary’s Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies. He has been happily married to Linda Young Duke for nearly 44 years. They have three adult children and four robust grandsons.
Dr. Duke is available for your speaking and consulting needs. His published work can be found on his website (www.drrogerdduke.com) and his Amazon Author's Page

Advisory Board, Digital Marketing & Development Advisor
Greg Sukert is Executive Director and Co-founder of Anchored North, an evangelistic ministry that specializes in using film and online media to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that has never been done before.
Greg is an award-winning writer, producer, and marketer with years of experience creating marketing campaigns from conception to completion for small businesses and multi-million dollar corporations.
In 2013, God changed Greg's life in such a dramatic fashion that he has now dedicated his life to reaching the lost with gospel through creative media and evangelistic campaigns. He's recognized as a gifted communicator, encouraging motivator, and dedicated leader.
Using his vast experience in digital marketing and startup development, Greg sits on the Advisory Board of Stage & Story as Digital Marketing & Development Advisor .
Greg has a B.A. in Business Administration, Marketing and is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

Advisory Board, Pastoral Advisor
Brandon is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks (CA) where he leads worship in song and preaching, and seeks to engage the church through embodied and visual forms of worship. Brandon's weekly sermons are available here on his podcast.
He is also head of the Bible department at Lake Arrowhead Christian School where he teaches high school Bible. And he also teaches at the Calvary Chapel Bible College.
Pastor Brandon is the most frequented guests on the Stage and Story podcast, as well as a key note speaker at the Stage & Story conference.


Eric Rutherford, MDiv
Eric Rutherford is a writer and thinker. He blogs for Stage & Story on topics such as cinema, literature and culture. Eric is a graduate of the University of Louisville, and earned his MDiv from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Marian Jacobs
Marian Jacobs is an author and writer, with dual concentrations in fiction and journalism. Her articles have appeared in publications such as Christianity Today, Desiring God and Speculative Faith. Marian received her BA in Theater Arts from Cal Baptist University. More of her work can be seen at majacobs.com

Cathy Flores
Cathy Flores is a playwright and author of fiction literature. Her stage plays have been produced and performed by the talented theater troupe at the LifeHouse Theater. Cathy studied creative writing at Crafton Hills College.

Cynthe Burbidge
Cynthe Burbidge is a writer, blogger, and commentator, wife of one and mother of two. Her commentaries concentrate in the areas of popular culture, literature, and biblical womanhood. She holds a bachelor's degree from Biola University.

Terry Delaney
Terry Delaney (@ChristBookNotes) has reviewed over 1,000+ books for Christian Book Notes and is a professional reviewer for AudioFile Magazine. Terry loves to read and enjoys fiction, non-fiction, theology and apologetics. He is an ordained minister and will graduate with a Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2019.
What We Believe
We believe in classical Christianity - orthodox Christian beliefs that have been affirmed since the first Christians.
We believe the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant and inspired written revelation of God, complete and sufficient in all respects, in the original manuscripts. We believe the Scriptures to be “God-breathed” and therefore fully authoritative in and of themselves; they rely for their authority upon no church, council, or creed, but are authoritative simply because they are the Word of God.
There is only one true and living God. God is one essence existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is sovereign, eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, holy, unchanging, just and loving.
Jesus is God in very essence and pre-existed as God in all His glory before His incarnation in time and space. Jesus Christ became a man, virgin born, to redeem mankind and at that time accepted all the essential characteristics of humanity without violating or detracting from His divine essence. Jesus died on a cross for our sin, was physically raised from the dead, ascended to the Father, and will return to receive his church.
The Holy Spirit is coequal with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit regenerates the Christian at conversion, indwells the Christian at conversion, and leads the Christian on a daily basis as he or she submits to His leadership. The Holy Spirit is the Christian’s source of giftedness in ministering to the local church.
The human race began by the direct and instantaneous creation of God. Men and women are created in God’s image and exist to glorify God. People forfeited their intended fellowship with God, incurred the penalty of spiritual and physical death, became subject to the wrath of God, and lost the ability to be independently acceptable to God through Adam’s one act of disobedience. People exist relationally separated from God and express that sinfulness in a variety of sinful acts.
Salvation of individuals is wholly carried out by God’s grace, based on the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross and is in no way contributed to or accomplished by the merit or work of the individual. Those who repent and put their trust in Jesus as their provision for their sinful condition are declared righteous by God. From a human perspective one is saved after hearing the message of the gospel, being convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, mentally turning from sin to God, placing one’s trust in Jesus as the complete and sole payment for sin.